The men of the Sato family are Ringo, Togo, and Ichigo.All of the men in the Hatta family have names beginning with "Ryu" (Ryuzo, his father Ryuzaburo, and his younger brother Ryunoshin) and both of the daughters' names begin with "Ri-" (Rika and Rino).
Expository Hairstyle Change: Most of the guys undergo some kind of hairstyle change to help indicate the three-years-later Time Skip to the Season 2 sequels, with Ryuzo the most dramatic example. On his route, the other guys cheerfully agree that it's because he likes her and that he's been that way since they were kids. Everyone Can See It: Basically nobody is fooled by Ichigo's tsundere behavior towards the protagonist. HARUKI FROM DREAMY DAYS IN TOKYO FULL
When the two of them reconcile and admit their feelings for one another, the sky spontaneously clears, allowing them to see the meteor shower in its full glory.
Empathic Environment: During Ichigo's route, it rains on the night of the meteor shower, reflecting the protagonist's sorrow over the rift that's formed between herself and Ichigo. The memories make a comeback before the story ends. Easy Amnesia: Haruki sustains a blow to the head during a tournament on his route, which when combined with the emotional strain of beliving the protagonist has chosen Ichigo as her boyfriend, leads to him forgetting the whole of his route's story. Ichigo: There are some jokes you can make and then there are others that you shouldn't. When the guys find out about the protagonist's stalker, Rihito makes a playful, poorly-considered comment that she's so pretty that he can understand wanting to watch her stealthily. Dude, Not Funny!: An in-universe example occurs during Ryuzo's route. She doesn't find out otherwise until they meet again as teenagers. Dude Looks Like a Lady: When they were friends as children, the protagonist mistook Rihito for a girl. When his father shows up in the first season sequel, Rihito is initially less than thrilled. Disappeared Dad: Rihito's parents broke up before his mother knew she was pregnant, so it's just been mother and son for sixteen-odd years. At the end of Ichigo's sequel, when Rihito's flirting with the protagonist fails to provoke the usual jealous response from Ichigo, his friends immediately become suspicious and speculate that he has "become a man." In this case, their suspicions are accurate. In Haruki's sequel, he and the protagonist stay overnight together at a hotel, leaving their friends to assume the obvious. Delinquents: Ryuzo isn't one, but he looks the part, which throws the protagonist for a bit of a loop and makes him a target for their high school's strict and overzealous vice principal. Comically Missing the Point: Ryuzo can be rather slow on the uptake, particularly when it comes to matters of romance, with this trope the frequent result. Clueless Chick-Magnet: Ryuzo, who is kind of heavy on the "clueless" in regard to most things. Childhood Marriage Promise: Referenced in the opening. This includes Johji, who the protagonist knew as "JJ" back then. Childhood Friend Romance: All of the guys. Unusually for a Voltage game, the damage is permanent and Takeshi has to give up his goal of competing in the Olympics. Career-Ending Injury: In his "Three Years Later" sequel, track star Takeshi injures his leg in an accident. Bland-Name Product: " Shonen Hop" magazine. On his route, it takes him a while to stop seeing the protagonist as a little sister. Big Brother Instinct: As the oldest of four children, Ryuzo naturally big-brothers everybody. His real self, although still genuinely kindhearted, is more masculine and a lot more jaded. On his route, she eventually learns that "Rei" is a persona that Reiji Uraga deliberately created to hold others at arm's length and discourage women from throwing themselves at him. Beneath the Mask: In season 2, the protagonist comes to think of Rei Arisugawa as a "dependable big sister" thanks to his feminine manner of speaking and how unfailingly he's willing to listen and give her helpful advice. It's a surprisingly dark plot in what is, overall, a light-hearted game. Attempted Rape: On Ryuzo's route, the protagonist runs afoul of a stalker who simply will not take "no" for an answer. Always Second Best: Ichigo has an uncomfortable relationship with his older brother Togo, in large part because, unlike Ichigo who has trouble expressing his feelings, Togo is good with people, and is easily welcomed back by their parents and the rest of the neighborhood despite having previously abandoned them to travel the world.
Affectionate Nickname: Takeshi calls the protagonist "Little Duck.".Dreamy Days in West Tokyo contains examples of the following tropes: